Sunday, November 30, 2008

JJ update

JJ is currently in surgery. He is in very good hands at Children's. They figure the surgery will take about 90 minutes and than we wait for him to wake up and finally he will get to eat. My poor baby hasn't had anything for over 12 hours. He is a growing boy and misses his food.
He will need to come back in a week and than again right around Christmas time, to make sure his arm is healing correctly. They have a couple concerns with this type of break but they are hoping his bones are big enough that they can put screws in so they don't have to do another surgery to remove the screws. Jeff and I are going on little to no sleep. J will have stories about his roommate. But in comparison to how J is doing at this moment we are great. We will leave another update when he is out of surgery and back home with a few pictures.

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